When ever I find a trick/Hack or tweak I let you know.
Quick Links: Android Tricks | AT&T; internet on your laptop | T-mobile $9.99 Internet on any device | Magic Jack without a computer
We are a community of people that like to Add to our products and sometimes get them to do things that they originally didn't describe in the boxes they came in, but we have always known that somehow they have always been able to do.
We know a lot of the products we purchase have an alternative purpose in life, and can do much more than anyone at the company they came from, throught they could.
Everyone's have had some questions on how to get T-mobile working on their blackberry without paying the crazy fees, or even how to get Skype on your USB Flash Drive.
Maybe you've found us from a youtube video that shows you how to Unlock your T-mobile G1 android Phone or maybe you're here because you'd like to find out how I have tethered my AT&T; wirelss internet with my laptop.
Some have come to find out how to connect their Magic Jack to their VOIP SIP Server or Adapter
Welcome, now go have fun!
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